No Baby Boy Yet…

So we’ve been waiting anxiously since Thursday for the arrival to our family. We’ve been on high-alert since then – even going so far as to commence walking around the block in order to induce labor. Alas, none of our techniques has thus far worked. Sunday’s highlight was Cait waking me up at about 3:30 in the morning (although I was groggy and could be off on the time). She told me that she was experiencing some pain and contractions. I asked whether I should take a shower and get ready to go to the hospital. When the answer came back as “no” I requested what I thought to be a reasonable “30 seconds” and promptly fell back asleep. Luckily Cait fell asleep shortly after I did. All in all, a very unsuccessful dry run and preview of what’s to come. Don’t worry though – I’ll be ready when the bell rings for real.

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