Ryan’s Big Night Out.

Caitlin does not enjoy this sort of thing.

Caitlin does not enjoy this sort of thing.

As you can imagine, we don’t get out much right now. Not that we have for a while, but definitely not much right now. Ryan is a big fan of UFC fighting, which I happily don’t understand. Sometimes unhappily if I catch sight of a cauliflower ear on the TV. Ryan discovered that a local bar was showing the fight this past Saturday. Our friends Grant and Tessa (with their little ones) came over for dinner before the fight. Ryan mentioned that Grant should join him and Grant seemed unsure about the idea. On an aside Grant had been spit up on about a half hour earlier. It wasn’t a small amount either.

It was finally time to go and Grant decided to give it a go. So off they went, Grant in his puke shirt and Ryan all hopped up on excitement at getting out of the house on a Saturday night with the fellas. Ryan got home at a reasonable hour and seemed to have had a great time. He asked me a few questions about the rest of my evening, told me about the fight, the beer, and we went to sleep. Morning rolled around and Ryan proceeded to ask me the exact same questions that he had asked me the night before, same inflection and everything. Of course, I had to let him know this. To which he told me he had no recollection of asking me these things the night before. It was like college!

I spoke to Tessa on the phone and told her about the memory lapse. She started laughing as she remembered Grant’s arrival at home. She said, “that’s funny because when he got home he was talking in a really loud voice. and yah, he was snoring too. that’s usually an indication of a good night out.”

Ryan is already researching the next big UFC match. I think Grant will not hesitate in deciding to go this time.

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