Cuteness – Better Late than Never

I’ve been posting a lot of pictures of Maisy that are out of chronological order, or just ones that I find lying around my desktop that I feel like should be shared with the world – or at least the readers of this blog. So while I apologize for the lack of general organization, I can’t apologize for delivering you this fantastic cuteness. Without further ado:

Making extreme cuteness look easy.

Making extreme cuteness look easy.

I’m playing with your emotions

Sometimes, Ryder says things to us like, “You have to be mad.” It’s become sort of a game that we happily play with him – he tells us an emotion that we should display on our faces, and we do our best to oblige him. After he’s satisfied that we’ve nailed it, we get the next emotion. Sometimes, Caitlin and I are the ones who name the emotions and Ryder is the one who does the acting out.
The picture below is one time where Caitlin told him “You have to be surprised.” You can see, he really nailed it.

You Have to Be Surprised

You Have to Be Surprised