Embarassment: Served Up Cold

Shame Served Daily

Shame Served Daily

After arriving home from our California trip, we didn’t have much in the way of breakfast in the morning. I happily agreed with Caitlin’s idea of MCDB (try saying it that way, you’ll like it), more commonly known as McDonald’s Breakfast. I’ve never wavered in my loved of McDonald’s breakfast – only my concern for its effect on my waistline and arteries stops me from eating it every day.

Because we live in Chicago and it was sub-30 degrees outside, I decided to drive the car, rather than walk. The car starts and it’s so far, so good, until it’s time to place my order. I hit the oh-so-time-saving “auto-down” window control. That’s right, the car is pimped out with crazy features like that; it also has an “automatic” transmission, and a 6-preset AM/FM radio. Don’t start hating, jealous bitches! I hear the motor turn, but nothing actually moves. As any self-respecting driver would do in this situation, I jiggle the switch: up, down, up, down. Sounds of the window motor wanting to do something, but no actual movement. In a true welcome-back-to-Chicago moment, the window on the car appears to be frozen shut. Mind you, there’s no visible snow on the ground, nor ice on the car. It’s simply frozen shut enough so that the engine that accounts for the window’s movement cannot overpower the invisible ice-glue holding the window shut.

My only choice – and one that I had to repeat two more times on the way through the drive-thru, was to open the door and communicate with the workers without the pesky window impeding our exchange. I sheepishly explained at the pay-first window that my window was frozen shut. When I collected my food at the second window I was happy the my obvious proximity to the vehiclewould render me exempt from the No Walks-Ups policy posted on the window. In the end all was well, and given the knowing looks that I received, I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the first to roll through the drive-thru, with the impediment of a frozen window, and probably won’t be the last.

And of course, breakfast was delicious.

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