low expectations.

This evening I looked down to find one of my bra straps hanging sadly out of my shirt sleeve. I have no idea how long it was dangling there. We had been out for a walk, chatted with neighbors, and done some business at the bank. The whole time I was sashaying around our neighborhood under the false feeling that I was a bit put together. My outfit matched enough, I had cleanish hair, and both kids were not in pajamas. Solid. Then I catch site of the dangler. Every time I think I am really pulling my act together I get a little wake up call. It may be subtle, but it’s humbling. Keeps me honest.

Areas of particular concern, highlighted.

Areas of particular concern, highlighted.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. It pretty much happens every day to lesser or greater extents, typically when I *think* I’m rocking a decent look. Like the time I got out of the house for a baby shower at about 6 weeks post Maisy’s arrival. I showered and got snazzy. When I returned home I looked down and noticed a big hole in the sleeve of my black shirt. Not a big deal, but again not a clean feeling. Or the day I finally emerged from our apartment at around 5pm with the kids to play at the neighbor’s house. My sweet friend Amy let me know I had a bit on my tooth. Once I rooted around and determined its origins, I realized it had been in there since lunch (3+ hours before). It was dark and it wasn’t small. You cannot underestimate the power of using a mirror.

Bottom line I’ve got a few options.  I can take more opportunities to check out my grill in the mirror, do some consistent full body checks, put more focus on my appearance, or lower my expectations. I will go with the latter.

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