Rolling Around

Maisy girl has started rolling!* Front to back, back to front. You’d think it would be pretty blase after seeing Ryder do it and then follow it up with so many fun developmental things, but it’s great. I will tell you though, rolling is simply a means to an end for Maisy. Like most little teethers, Maisy is constantly putting something or trying to put something in her mouth. A hand, a finger, a thumb, a shirt, a dress, a chewy or anything else within her tiny reach is fair game. Basically, I have noticed that rolling simply happens as she tries to shove something in her mouth; she loses balance and rolls over. It’s real cute. Maybe that’s what all babies do? I feel like some have more directed purpose to their rolls.

*This happened quite a while ago; Ryan is just getting around to lurking the blog and figuring out what we’ve got in the draft section that can actually be published. Admittedly, this is pretty borderline. But since Maisy’s not getting the press she deserves, here we go anyways.

This Happened

Last night A while ago we had dinner at our friend’s – Grant and Tessa – house. They have two little ones named Remi (almost 3 years old and Schafer 9 mo.) Remi likes Maisy a lot; she gives her gentle pats and often says sweet things to her. After dinner, Ryan was holding Maisy and the following conversation ensued:

Remi: “Maisy is really cute.”
Ryan: “She really is, isn’t she?!”
Remi: “She’s fat.”

Fat? Naaaaw

costco! dream shatterer.


I did it again. I know you’ve done it. I convinced my husband that we really needed those three good sized bottles of carrot juice from Costco. The conversation went something like this: me: “ooh look they have carrot juice, it’s only $8 for 3! and it’s organic”

Ryan: “do you like carrot juice?”

me: “I don’t know, probably. I have a recipe that sounds really good. I can make smoothies every morning.”

Ryan: “hmm.” (in his mind debating if this is worth the argument, decides to forgo the $8 for marital bliss)

me: “they had just one bottle, not organic at target for like $4. this is a steal.”

Cut to a month later and Ryan is still drinking the carrot juice by himself. Ryder and I had smoothies one morning. Ryder looked suspiciously at the orange-y color of the smoothie and decided it was not for him. I looked way past the color, enjoyed the smoothie, but unfortunately tried some carrot juice by itself one day. I am not in favor of it as a juice. It tasted dirty and sweet. Dirty like dirt. I thought Costco was going to deliver me into a world of fitness and healthful eating in one $8 package of carrot juice. It was not to be. Now I am on an unspoken Costco probation period where my Costco desires must be scrutinized more closely than before. It’s understandable. It’s a dangerous place for a small family, two of whom are picky eaters.