What He Sayin’: Vol 10

Ryder at Waters Park

Ryder at Waters Park

This conversation took place on a Wednesday.
Ryder: “You should change your shorts.”
Ryan: “Why? What’s wrong with these shorts?”
Ryder: “You’ve been wearing those shorts all the time.”
Ryan: “Well, I just put the same shorts on when I came home.”
Ryder: “I think maybe you can change them on Sunday.”

Caitlin and Ryder were recently discussing cars. Ryder started in with a question:
R: “What color Honda Element would you get?”
C: “Probably grey or light grey. Would you like that?”
R: “Well, my favorite colors are green and other colors.”

Ryder refers to his and others’ private parts and their “privacy.” He had this conversation with Caitlin one day.
R: “Girls have different shaped privacies.”
C: “That’s right – just a different shape.”
R: “Boys’ ones are long, like elephant trunks.”

I had this conversation with Ryder recently, after coming home from work.
Ryder: “What did you do today?”
Ryan: “I did work.”
Ryder: “On the computer?”
Ryan: “Yes, mostly.”
Ryder: “By pressing buttons?”

Ryder has developed a good working knowledge of many types of dogs, in spite of being intially terrorized by them. One day, he saw a big St. Bernard type dog on television. (He also understands and thing or two about dinosaurs and the natural order of things.) This conversation occurred when he saw the dog:
Ryder: “What’s the point of those flappers?”
Ryan: “Those are called jowls.”
Ryder: “Do you think they help scare away other creditors?”

Loud and Proud

I think we can all agree that these pictures speak themselves. Not that these pictures didn’t generate some speech* when I’ve showed them around – and trust me, I’ve become pretty fond of showing these particular photos from my phone.

Let's Go!

Let's Go!

Where are we going again?

Where are we going again?

What's this thing do?

What's this thing do?

Oh, hello there.

Oh, hello there.

*I showed my Grandma these pictures on a recent trip to California. When she saw the first one she said, “Is that her real stomach?”
I work as an art director at an ad agency. I showed those to some co-workers. One of them asked, “Did you Photoshop in her belly?”
The answers are respectively, “Yes” and “No.”