Avon Breast Cancer Walk – Complete!!

Just a shout out to my mom, Cathy and my sister, Amy for completing the Avon Breast Cancer walk last weekend. I’ve only gotten the recap from my mom and not Amy’s side of the story, but she described it as very well organized affair in all ways.

It was a two-day event, taking place in Long Beach, CA. Amy walked 26 miles the first day, and 13 the second day. Cathy notched 13 both days – unless she tacked on some extra miles that she walked on the down-low. Each of them did some hefty fundraising just to participate in the event – and I think just at their event alone (Long Beach), they raised over $4 million!! Wow. Just thought it was worth a shout-out.

When You Walk Really Far, Your Photos Get Blurry

When You Walk Really Far, Your Photos Get Blurry

Mile Thirteen

Mile Thirteen

Nice job family.

costco! dream shatterer.


I did it again. I know you’ve done it. I convinced my husband that we really needed those three good sized bottles of carrot juice from Costco. The conversation went something like this: me: “ooh look they have carrot juice, it’s only $8 for 3! and it’s organic”

Ryan: “do you like carrot juice?”

me: “I don’t know, probably. I have a recipe that sounds really good. I can make smoothies every morning.”

Ryan: “hmm.” (in his mind debating if this is worth the argument, decides to forgo the $8 for marital bliss)

me: “they had just one bottle, not organic at target for like $4. this is a steal.”

Cut to a month later and Ryan is still drinking the carrot juice by himself. Ryder and I had smoothies one morning. Ryder looked suspiciously at the orange-y color of the smoothie and decided it was not for him. I looked way past the color, enjoyed the smoothie, but unfortunately tried some carrot juice by itself one day. I am not in favor of it as a juice. It tasted dirty and sweet. Dirty like dirt. I thought Costco was going to deliver me into a world of fitness and healthful eating in one $8 package of carrot juice. It was not to be. Now I am on an unspoken Costco probation period where my Costco desires must be scrutinized more closely than before. It’s understandable. It’s a dangerous place for a small family, two of whom are picky eaters.