Avon Breast Cancer Walk – Complete!!

Just a shout out to my mom, Cathy and my sister, Amy for completing the Avon Breast Cancer walk last weekend. I’ve only gotten the recap from my mom and not Amy’s side of the story, but she described it as very well organized affair in all ways.

It was a two-day event, taking place in Long Beach, CA. Amy walked 26 miles the first day, and 13 the second day. Cathy notched 13 both days – unless she tacked on some extra miles that she walked on the down-low. Each of them did some hefty fundraising just to participate in the event – and I think just at their event alone (Long Beach), they raised over $4 million!! Wow. Just thought it was worth a shout-out.

When You Walk Really Far, Your Photos Get Blurry

When You Walk Really Far, Your Photos Get Blurry

Mile Thirteen

Mile Thirteen

Nice job family.

This is Awkward

Thankfully, not my family.

Thankfully, not my family.

Sometimes we come across sites that we just think are worth sharing. This happens to be one of those sites. I think I got sent a link to this on a list I’m on, or possibly just by one or more of my very Internet-aware friends on instant messaging. Either way enjoy:


And for your offline enjoyment, one of my friends posted (much later) this PDF that has a representation of the kinds of things you can find on the site. So feel free to have at this as well.

Here it is: Awkward PDF.

Ha. LOL. Chuckle.



People laugh at their own jokes. I know this because I do and I’ve seen others do it too.  It’s cool, it’s no big thing unless maybe you have a very hearty laugh that drowns out the chuckles of your audience. What I do find uncool is the excessive use of LOL and all its acronym friends when one is writing. I am not talking about finding something that someone else writes as funny, but something that you write and then self-LOL. Often, when I have seen it, the stuff isn’t even that funny. It’s more like a statement, for example: “I am starting to like going to the grocery store. I must be getting old. LOL.” What? That’s not funny. It’s not funny at all. And adding LOL to the end doesn’t make me think it’s funny.

It’s time some people get with the program. LOL.