Maeve + Liv

We had a post (if you could really call it that) on Maeve, the daughter of our friends, Tessa and Paul recently. Mostly because I happened to find a (what I thought was) great shot of her that I’d taken some time ago. I promised that I’d be looking for, and posting a photo that featured her sometime soon

Liv Hourihan

Liv Hourihan

Well, I found this picture too. It’s amazing what you can find when you are cleaning up your computer’s desktop. All kinds of stuff really.

Liv Hourihan arrives

Maeve holding Liv

I’m playing with your emotions

Sometimes, Ryder says things to us like, “You have to be mad.” It’s become sort of a game that we happily play with him – he tells us an emotion that we should display on our faces, and we do our best to oblige him. After he’s satisfied that we’ve nailed it, we get the next emotion. Sometimes, Caitlin and I are the ones who name the emotions and Ryder is the one who does the acting out.
The picture below is one time where Caitlin told him “You have to be surprised.” You can see, he really nailed it.

You Have to Be Surprised

You Have to Be Surprised


Lookin fly.

Lookin fly.

I found this picture recently in my iPhoto library and thought it was a pretty good shot of our friends Paul and Tessa’s daughter, Maeve. So, I figured it get it up here. Isn’t she gorgeous? It’s an oldie, but still a goodie. And now she’s got a little sister named Liv, too. We’ll try and get a post up here with a picture of that lil’ one.